About Us

Di Thompson

Di Thompson

Di Thompson has been in operation for over 20 years

Di Thompson, the principal, has many years of experience helping small businesses and startups get their strategy and commitment right. You could say she was born into it…

Born into a business family

Di’s parents owned service stations in Adelaide and a roadhouse in Murray Bridge. At the back of the first service station was the bus depot for the Coles Bus Service.

A very early start to networking

At the ripe old age of 3, Di had a special seat at the front of the bus, right next to the driver. She rode in that bus all day, greeting passengers and chatting away. It was a different world back then. What was free babysitting for her very hard-working parents was also fabulous exposure to people from all walks of life.

Helping dad around the servo

By the age of 4, Di had been promoted to tyre assistant — following her dad around the servo, taking off the tyre caps so he could pump the tyres up, then carefully putting the caps back on. In those days petrol stations were called ‘service stations’ and for good reason. Di, along with her brother and sister, worked hard and were involved in every aspect of the family business.

Encouraged to take risks

Di’s parents encouraged the kids to take risks and to follow their dreams.

Loves people, loves research

A self-confessed frustrated lawyer, Di admits she probably would have hated it and her lawyer friends agree. Instead, she’s forged a successful career in business. She channels all that energy, passion, curiosity and dogged determination into getting to know people, digging to discover what they really want and finding a way to help them get it.

Before working strategy

Prior to establishing her business, Di held a variety of senior positions within technology manufacturing, newspapers, finance and software development in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

Adelaide Hills Inc. 2013 - 2014

General Manager

Business Included:

Adelaide Hills Magazine, Adelaide Hills Marketing, Adelaide Hills Events, Adelaide Hills Weddings, Adelaide Hills Digital

Mikyla Gilbert – founder and Ideas Chick of Adelaide Hills Inc. approached Di to review the businesses for restructuring. Di was appointed General Manager, and with the demise of Mikyla’s health, it was necessary to take control of the business and eventually negotiate the sale and carry out due diligence. This proved to be a great solution, and now in 2015, Mikyla has returned as Digital Media Manager of Free Run Press, the purchaser of the former business.

Wallmans Lawyers 2009 – 2010


Wallmans was a former client of C&PA. The CEO approached Di to assist with several projects as a temporary IT manager. This necessitated staff engagement, negotiating and managing suppliers and she was able to develop and progress a number of projects and then coordinate the hire the new IT manager.

eWord Development 2001-2003

Business Partner

Di was a Director and shareholder of this small South Australian software development company. She assisted with coordination and development of Max’s Sandbox that was a world first children’s version of Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel that interfaced with Microsoft Office.

C&PA (SA) Pty Ltd 1991 to 2009

Founder with husband

In 1990 the technology business where Di and her husband Gary were working, went into receivership. They were approached by the receiver to assist the business to wind up or sell. The business had employed over 35 people and boasted successful suppliers, so the passion was there to work through the problems. After nearly 12 months the business was expanding again with a loyal group of clients.

The receivers were in negotiations with potential buyers, and approached Gary and Di to become shareholders and directors of the new company and move it forward.

Di continued as a Director and adviser for many years while Gary grew the business. Her consulting business Di Thompson Consulting, was born as an external consulting business to expand to services that C&PA did not see as core business.

Youth projects

EDS Rotary IT Careers Forum 2002-2004

Di was approached to organize this week long Forum for 60 year 11 students from across the State. Interviewed and selection by Rotary Clubs, then a week long live in experience at Immanuel College.

The students were challenged to create a business, product or service and worked with senior mentors from EDS and team leaders in teams, and presented at a dinner on the Friday evening. They also visited the 3 Universities, TAFE and over 30 ITC, Multimedia, Game development, Design, Electronics and manufacturing companies during the week and had a chance to see, hear and consider a potential career or degree in ITC or similar area.

Ngapartji Multimedia Centre Consultant 2000-2002
Youth Advantage Interface Programme 2001
Di was contracted by the Northern Adelaide Development Board to create a 10 week programme for disadvantaged youth in the Northern areas. This included soft skill updates, motivation, project skills, public speaking and financial management.
eChallenge – University of Adelaide 2001
Di was an early mentor with this programme designed to stimulate entrepreneurship in association with the University of Adelaide.
Australian Business Week in conjunction with University of SA 2001
Di was a mentor for a team of young students who were tasked in teams to create a company, participate in an experiential hands on decision making process, to make all the decisions affecting their company’s performance in the market place. It gave young students the opportunity to learn about business by working with experienced people from business.
Website in a Day Competition
We created several competitions for young students to develop a business Website in a day and this was done in less than 8 hours. These competitions were very successful with students working closely with business owners to develop the concept, content, build and design the websites.
This was a concept developed to encourage young students 12-16 years old to work closely with 3 Mechatronic engineering students from University of Adelaide during 10 weeks to build a robot. Very successful outcomes and the interaction from industry, Technology School of the future and students was well rewarded.

Board positions

Advisory Board Member Technology School of the Future 2004- 2005
Playford Capital Board Member 2002-2003
IEWomen mentoring group 2001 founder
The purpose of this group was to encourage and foster more women to consider IT as a career.
Information Industries Development Board – (later known as Technology Industry Association) 1997-2000
Di was the inaugural Chairman of the IIDB and worked closely with Minister Michael Armitage’s staff and industry to create a collaborative group that included over 15 industry associations. Di was able to secure funding from SA Government during the first years, and later industry associations contributed to the success of the organization.



Revolution eCommerce Conference 1996-1997

Di was the founder and manager of this inaugural Australian eCommerce conference presenting international, national and local speakers with a vision of the future of the internet. Not a financial success, but laid the way for the innovations that would develop the digital world as we know it today. Way ahead of its time due to availability of high speed broadband capabilities.

Comtech and Inform Exhibitions 1995-1997
Di managed the Comtech/Inform Exhibitions in Adelaide. This was a premier event showcasing technology and innovation for business with an expo and series of workshops.
  • Australian Institute of Company Directors – Graduate
  • Current Member of AIIA (Australian Information Industries Association) 
  • Current Member of ACS (Australian Computer Society)